Saturday, November 30, 2013


Pines & Cranes Desktop
A nighttime version of the Pines & Cranes design. Hopefully I can sort this out for the shop next week but for now I've set it as my wallpaper for the holiday season. As you can see, I'm not the tidiest desktop keeper (and this is the sorted out version)!

I hope you had a great thanksgiving if you celebrate it and have a great rest-of-weekend :)


Forest & Sea ▪
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Do not buy an old house that needs renovating! Unless you have enough money to pay someone else to do it. Or unless you want to teach yourself to be a jack of all trades and love dust. We did and didn't have the former option so had to settle for the second.

Our bedroom. That floor had FOUR layers of carpet, lino and glued-on paper(?) to
remove and then a nice, thick layer of paint for good measure. That was fun..

We're nearing completion now though and so I hope to be spending more time on doing the things I love and posting about them here (in a warm and comfortable house!) Have a good week - I hope it doesn't include DIY :)


Forest & Sea ▪
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware
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