Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Augghh-i-wuaah unh!

I thought that the Piepster's Chewbacca impression would be a good way to end the year on the blog.. uncanny isn't it? Augghh-i-wuaah unh! actually means Happy New Year! in the Wookiee language, so have a great New Year's Eve and a wonderful 2014 from us!


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Friday, December 20, 2013

Pines & Cranes - Night

I made a new pouch with some of the Pines & Cranes Night linen. Of course the Piepster wanted to know what exactly was going on on her mantelpiece :)

Have a brilliant weekend and a lovely Christmas, whatever you're up to!


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Sunday, December 15, 2013

✶☽ Night and Day ☼☁

Pines & Cranes - Night
Pines & Cranes - Day
'Pines & Cranes - Night'
Details of Pines & Cranes Night...
... and 'Pines & Cranes - Day'. Click for a better view!
...and Pines and Cranes Day. Click for a better view!

New in the shop: Pines & Cranes in the new nighttime version and a daytime version to match. They're based on a previous design which I had printed in a new colour with added texture for some pouches.

I can't decide which I like best; do you have a favourite?


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Saturday, November 30, 2013


Pines & Cranes Desktop
A nighttime version of the Pines & Cranes design. Hopefully I can sort this out for the shop next week but for now I've set it as my wallpaper for the holiday season. As you can see, I'm not the tidiest desktop keeper (and this is the sorted out version)!

I hope you had a great thanksgiving if you celebrate it and have a great rest-of-weekend :)


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Do not buy an old house that needs renovating! Unless you have enough money to pay someone else to do it. Or unless you want to teach yourself to be a jack of all trades and love dust. We did and didn't have the former option so had to settle for the second.

Our bedroom. That floor had FOUR layers of carpet, lino and glued-on paper(?) to
remove and then a nice, thick layer of paint for good measure. That was fun..

We're nearing completion now though and so I hope to be spending more time on doing the things I love and posting about them here (in a warm and comfortable house!) Have a good week - I hope it doesn't include DIY :)


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Monday, October 21, 2013

Twenty Fourteen

I had a chance to finish the new calendar at the weekend and it's now available to order in the spoonflower shop. I added some new bits and changed around some bits and it's definitely my favourite so far. As before, I've used quite a few symbols which signify prosperity, longevity, happiness, harmony and good luck in many eastern cultures:

Love, Luck & Happiness 2014
LLH Details - click for a larger view.
I liked the idea on the spoonflower blog recently to use the gift wrap option as posters so I've made it available on that as well as fabric and wall decal this year. According to the help desk, the satin is heavier than the matte (131 and 98 gsm) but both are sturdy enough for it. 

I hope you like the calendar and that you have a great week whatever you're up to :)


Update 2014The new 2015 calendar is available to order here!


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Friday, October 18, 2013

Mechanical Bull

My new calendar will be out on Monday - it's a revision of last year's but with some good added extras from this commission. While working on it I've been loving the new Kings of Leon album, especially these two tracks here:


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Monday, September 16, 2013

Palace Garden: New Colours

Some lovely new colours for Palace Garden! From the top: indigo, aubergine, cinnamon, lapis lazuli and Jaipur pink; available here.

22nd September: Thanks Spoonflower for featuring the little pouch here!


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Happiness is...

.. using your back foot as a pillow.


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Summer Doves

Summer Doves; a summery counterpart to the Snow Doves. You can find them over here!


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Click for details in larger image.
'Surf' in Indigo; tweaked after proofing and in the shop!

Surf in Indigo detail.


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Monday, July 22, 2013

Plane Trees

We're really enjoying the sunny weather; it's scorching and very welcome after the cold spring!

Me! The first photo of me on the internet (I hope :))
Beautiful Plane trees on my favourite walk.
Hope you had a lovely weekend and good weather wherever you are!


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Linen Washi Tape

A new phone case I made this week out of linen scraps and a new washi tape design; it's great for borders or to add just a bit of decorative pattern:

Phone case using the blue strip.

The multicolour version is available here if you'd like some on fabric, paper or peel and stick decals in all these colours:

It's been a while since I posted - I hope everyone's having a great summer!


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Thursday, April 25, 2013


It's been a long time coming but we've had some lovely weather this week and lots of sunshine! It's great to have the windows open, everything smells so great. We're finally getting plenty of leaves on the trees and I've been working on this this week..

Black Bird, Silver Birch

Black Bird, Silver Birch details; click for larger view.
I thought it would be good on a small scale for lots of uses so I've uploaded it as a swatch to the Spoonflower shop where you can order it on linen, silk, cotton or wall decal!


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fox Cubs

The eagle pair I posted pictures of at about this time last year have moved their nesting site. To avoid disturbing the new nest, cameras will be set up in the autumn after this year's chicks have flown but in the meantime, my boyfriend came across this yesterday:

Fox cubs born on the 27th of March

Filming these foxes is part of a great Dutch project set up in the Oostvaardersplassen, a dry and wetland nature reserve and example of rewilding. The habitat is relatively new and the ultimate goal is to have wildlife corridors between this reserve and others of it's kind well into France and Germany! See more videos of the newborn cubs and find out more at Volg De Vos (Follow the Fox)!


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Moon

It feels like such a long time since I've written here but I've been busy all the same with future projects! I'll have to wait a while before I can post about those but here's something I've been working on last week:

Love, Luck & Happiness Decal Mural

I had a brilliant request from a lovely person through Spoonflower to adapt the Love, Luck & Happiness calendar for a mural. It was pretty tricky working out all the elements into this format but I love how it's turned out! The measurements left a space at the top of the three 30 inch decals which I filled with another design (of her choice) to cut off and use in another project:

Woodland Mural

This was also originally a calendar and I really enjoyed playing around with the elements to fit the space.

Patrice A. is hosting a drawing challenge over on her blog this week; subject: the moon, so I'm submitting the mural image above. I first came across her work on V's brilliant advent calendar and absolutely love her owl cushion - click through for the links to all contributed moon pictures!


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Illustration Friday: Wings

Misty mountains for this week's Illustration Friday. To see all the other 'wings' illustrations, have a look over here :)


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


We choose not to have a car - we're lucky enough to live somewhere you really don't need one if you don't mind walking or cycling. On a busy road, breathing everyone else's fumes, this video illustrates how I sometimes feel about humanity and I feel ashamed that there are things I do which are also part of the problem. I really recommend you watch this; it's a brilliant animation!

Edit 29th of March:
Michael McCarthy, the Independent's Environment Editor, expresses this brilliantly in his valedictory article.


Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware

Monday, January 7, 2013


I think this is probably the most gorgeous bit of nature footage I've seen:


From this film.

Forest & Sea ▪ www.etsy.com/shop/ForestAndSea
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware
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