Sunday, May 15, 2011

Illustration Friday: Beginning

I've really enjoyed the weekly Illustration Friday challenge since I started participating in January; it has brought out ideas that I would otherwise never have had and it's been so interesting to see everyone else's interpretations of the themes. I've been looking to see if there are other projects out there I would love to join in with and came across Spoonflower, a website where you can order prints of your own textile designs that also holds a weekly design contest. I specialised in textiles at college and have been thinking for a while now that I'd like to get into it again so, to begin, I've entered the design below into this week's contest. If you like it please click through and vote for me!

Vanilla Bean

Vanilla Bean Details

Forest & Sea ▪
hand drawn nature on fabric, accessories & homeware


  1. Thanks for re-commenting (after blogger lost this post)!

    NB The images sometimes don't show up properly on the voting page but I've noticed that if you hover over the green 'next page' icon they'll appear.

  2. Hello, I just discovered your blog, you have nice work :0) I'm interested to see your new work in textiles!
    xx Muna

  3. Great survey, I'm sure you're getting a great response. children's story book


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